Pain Rustiqe (Rustic Bread)

Pain Rustique

Yield: 2-3 loaves


Mix poolish the evening before baking the bread. Poolish mixed at 23:00 will be ready around 13:00 – 15:00 the next day with bread being ready to be put in the oven around 19:00. It takes about 4 hours to mix and rise the final dough.

Poolish – 14-16 hours

Final Dough – apx 4 hours in total

  •   Autolyze – 30 minutes
  •   Mixing – 6 minutes
  •   First Rise – 90 minutes
  •   Second Rise – 45 minutes


  • 1 gram instant yeast  = 3 grams fresh


  • 390g Bread Flour
  • 390g Water
  • .4g Instant Active Yeast (1.2g Fresh Yeast)

Ideal fermentation temperature for the polish is 24C.

Combine and mix all ingredients and ferment for 14-16 hours.


  • 148g Water
  • 780.4g Poolish (all of the polish from the first step)
  • 390g Bread Flour
  • 1.5g Diastatic Malt Powder

Pour the water around the edge of the polish to help it release. Add the water and poolish to the mixing bowl. Add flour and malt. Do not add any salt or yeast. Mix until thoroughly until it comes together but it is OK if the dough is shaggy.

Cover to prevent a skin from forming and autolyze for 20-30 minutes


  • 2g Instant Active Yeast (6 g Fresh Yeast)
  • 14g Salt

After the autolyze add the yeast and salt and mix on slow speed for 3 minutes. Increase the speed to medium and mix for 3 minutes. Stop occasionally to scrape the dough off the hook.

When complete the dough will be smooth and slightly tacky and will pull back when tugged.

First Rise

Place dough in a covered container and let it rise for 90 minutes. Fold the dough every 30 minutes for a total of 2 folds. Just fold the dough once or twice, no more. If the dough is rising slowly give it another 30 minutes and an additional fold.

Second Rise

Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and divide in 2-3 pieces. Put the pieces in a shallow bowl lined with baking paper so that it can maintain it’s shape as it rises. No rolling or shaping is needed. Proof for apx 45 minutes.

Scoring and Baking

Preheat oven to 230C / 450F.

Score top of dough down the length of the loaf. Slide dough onto baking sheet or into a cast iron pot and cover (pre-heat in oven with lid off). Bake for apx 40 minutes.